YottaDB Presentations
We're always reaching out to our community with presentations at conferences and user group meetings. Here are some recent presentations. If you would like us to present at your event, please contact us.
YottaDB at FOSDEM 2024
At the FOSDEM 2024 Declarative and Minimalistic Computing devroom, K.S. Bhaskar gave a talk, The Old Remains New on how the M hierarchical key-value technology has evolved to stay relevant.
YottaDB at All Things Open 2023
YottaDB was a Bronze Sponsor of All Things Open 2023. We had over 100 people visit our table, where we had a simulated edge-to-cloud IoT stack:
- Simulating the edge, we had a Raspberry Pi with
- two analog gas sensors on an Arduino measuring CO2, alcohol, CO, etc.;
- digital motion and temperature sensors; and
- an LED that the operating software would turn on when the motion sensor detected motion.
- The database from the simulated edge was replicated in real time to another Raspberry Pi, simulating the cloud. On the cloud, the data was mapped to SQL tables with Octo, from where the data could be accessed using Excel, LibreOffice and the YottaDB GUI.
We also demonstrated a Docker container comparing YottaDB and Redis. The screenshot is from that container. You can decide for yourself whether YottaDB is the fastest key-value database on the planet.
Bhaskar gave a talk on Fun with Forensics: Using SQL to Find Needles in Haystacks.
YottaDB at 41st VistA Community Meeting
The 41st VistA Community Meeting was the fourth all-virtual VistA Community meeting, and also Bhaskar’s 41st VistA Community Meeting. Sam was the most active participant in the conference program.
Sam Habiel gave three talks and participated in a panel discussion on AI for VistA:
- YottaDB GUI Update
- SQL Access to VistA Update
- VistA Web Resources
- Panel discussion on AI for VistA with Greg Kreis and Matt King
K.S. Bhaskar gave two talks:
- YottaDB Update
- Fun With Forensics – Troubleshooting, analytics and forensics with journal files and the syslog
YottaDB Update PDF Fun With Forensics PDF SQL Access to VistA Update PDF YottaDB GUI Update PDF AI for VistA PDF VistA Web Resources PDF
View YottaDB Update Video on YouTube Fun With Forensics Video on YouTube SQL Access to VistA Update Video on YouTube YottaDB GUI Update Video on YouTube AI for VistA Part 1 Video on YouTube AI for VistA Part 2 Video on YouTube VistA Web Resources Video on YouTube

YottaDB at All Things Open 2022
All Things Open 2022 was the tenth year of the open source technology conference. YottaDB returned with an in-person booth to ATO after three years.
We demonstrated YottaDB in a simulated Internet of Things application. We had temperature, motion, carbon dioxide and volatile organic compound sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi. The motion sensor was connected to a red LED. Data was recorded locally, and replicated in real-time to another Raspberry Pi, the one with a small touch-sensitive display at the front of the table. That display showed the YottaDB GUI (under development, and current field test grade software), including the key-value nodes of the data. That Raspberry Pi also ran Octo, and on a laptop we demonstrated a real-time Excel graph of the data, which it accessed using ODBC.
October 30 – November 2, 2022

YottaDB at 40th VistA Community Meeting
The 40th VistA Community Meeting was the third all-virtual VistA Community meeting, and also Bhaskar’s 40th VistA Community Meeting. He gave a YottaDB update. Sam Habiel presented Octo, VistA Docker Images, the YottaDB Web Server, and the YottaDB Management GUI under development.
September 30 – October 2, 2022
YottaDB Update PDF Octo SQL Access to VistA PDF VistA Docker Images PDF YottaDB Web Server PDF YottaDB Management GUI PDF
View YottaDB Update Video on YouTube View Octo SQL Access to VistA Video on YouTube View VistA Docker Images and YottaDB Web Server Video on YouTube View YottaDB Management GUI Video on YouTube

YottaDB at 39th VistA Community Meeting
The 39th VistA Community Meeting was the second all-virtual VistA Community meeting, and also Bhaskar’s 39th VistA Community Meeting. He gave a YottaDB update and a presentation on AIM. Sam Habiel presented Octo and the YottaDB Management GUI under development.
October 22-24, 2021

YottaDB at 38th VistA Community Meeting
The 38th VistA Community Meeting was the first all-virtual VistA Community Meeting, and also also K.S. Bhaskar’s 38th VistA Community Meeting! He gave a YottaDB update, a presentation on Octo, and also made a proposal for moving VistA forward using Go.
August 28-30, 2020
YottaDB at FOSDEM 2020
YottaDB was at FOSDEM 2020 in Brussels. We would like to thank Stefano Lalli, developer of YottaDB Studio and a member of the YottaDB user community for helping out. FOSDEM was so intense that without him, it would have been impossible for K.S. Bhaskar to manage the YottaDB table!
K.S. Bhaskar gave a talk on Dragons of CGO .

A Way for VistA to Go Forward
At the 2019 OSEHRA Open Source Summit, K.S. Bhaskar talked about the YottaDB approach to VistA, the language agnostic database and the YottaDB Go Wrapper.
July 10, 2019.

Adding Mcroservices to VistA using Octo and Go
At the 2019 OSEHRA Open Source Summit, Charles Hathaway spoke about microservices for VistA and gave a demonstration using SQL queries.
July 10, 2019

Mapping the VistA Schema for SQL Access by Octo
At the 2019 OSEHRA Open Source Summit, Christopher Edwards presented Octo, how it interfaces with VistA and demonstrated its capabilities.
July 10, 2019

Hidden Dragons of CGO: Hard-Learned Lessons from Writing Go Wrappers
At the 2019 South East Linux Fest, Charles Hathaway reviewed CGO and spoke about problems encountered with garbage collection as well as passing data and callbacks to functions.
June 16, 2019

VistA on Linux: A complete FOSS stack for Electronic Health Records
At the 2019 South East Linux Fest, K.S. Bhaskar spoke on VistA, its technology stack and history, and its implementation of a FOSS stack for Electronic Health Records.
June 15, 2019

Open Source Documentation at YottaDB: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
At the 2019 South East Linux Fest and the 2019 OSEHRA Open Source Summit, Ranjani Hathaway spoke about the benefits of open source documentation, the documentation tool chain used at YottaDB and the good, the bad and the ugly: what worked well, what didn’t, and the workarounds and hacks employed to produce the current state of YottaDB documentation.
June 15 and July 10, 2019

When NoSQL isn't enough, but SQL is too much
At Linux Fest North West, Charles Hathaway discussed YottaDB as a free/open-source NoSQL data store, and the process of implementing a SQL engine that provides a complete SQL ’92 SELECT implementation and the performance benefits of the YottaDB NoSQL engine.
April 28, 2019

What Was Old is New Again
At Linux Fest North West, K.S. Bhaskar discussed YottaDB, its history, the C API that expands its usability and plans for the future.
April 28, 2019

Echo [Terminal] 23 : Watching Terminals for Fun and Profit
At Linux Fest North West, Charles Hathaway discussed constructing a tool to monitor interactive terminals and log the sessions to a central database which is then replicated off of the host, using YottaDB to store, among other things, time-series data, such as logs and metrics.
April 27, 2019

Open Source JDBC Access to VistA FileMan Data
At the OSEHRA Innovation Webinar Series, Christopher Edwards spoke on Open Source JDBC Access to VistA FileMan Data and demonstrated the tools available, where to find the code, how to get started with the application, and how to contribute to development.
August 21, 2018

Free/Open Source Access to Fileman Files
At the 36th VistA Community Meeting, and the 2018 OSEHRA Summit, Christopher Edwards spoke on SQL/JDBC access to VistA Fileman files using a completely free/open source software stack.
June 16 and July 18, 2018

A C API for the M Database
At the 36th VistA Community Meeting and the 2018 OSEHRA Summit K.S. Bhaskar spoke on a C API for the M database, which is in production releases of YottaDB.
June 16 and July 18, 2018

What was Old is New Again
At the 2018 SouthEast LinuxFest, K.S. Bhaskar spoke about the heritage of M technology, and how one of the original NoSQL database technologies stays fresh and remains relevant today.
June 10, 2018

Tuning YottaDB Performance
K.S. Bhaskar spoke on Tuning YottaDB Performance to a group of YottaDB users.
May 21, 2018