Rock Solid. Lightning Fast. Secure.

Pick Any Three

The core of YottaDB is a robust, multi-level, key-value high performance database for your critical applications

Rock Solid.
Lightning Fast.

Put YottaDB to the Test

Test the power of YottaDB by searching the collections at the UAntwerp library.

Search millions of resources in a fraction of a second

Continuous Innovation to Solve
User Needs

The YottaDB team is always looking for ways to provide more functionality to its users. Octo and Xider give current and prospective users additional functionality and compatibility with existing applications to unlock new use cases.

Octo SQL

Octo delivers SQL connectivity for reporting, visualization, and analysis so those powering mission-critical apps on YottaDB can gain more insight.


Explore Octo


Xider allows common Redis applications to use Xider as a superior alternative with two options to meet the unique requirements of applications.


Explore Xider

Selected Use Cases

YottaDB delivers a unique combination of features that make it a strong choice for a variety of demanding applications

Powering Mission-Critical Systems Around the World

Product News
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YottaDB r2.02 Released
Product News
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Comparing YottaDB and Redis Using 3n+1 Sequences
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Bid Wars

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